Ping Command: A Beginner's Guide

sohan bhati

 The provided text about blogs and pinging has a good starting point but could be improved with some updates and clarifications:


  • Introduces basic concepts of blogs and pinging.
  • Mentions SEO benefits and importance of targeted content.
  • Provides basic software recommendations.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Outdated information: "Most frequently used words in IT sector today" implies an older perspective. Update with current trends and terminology.
  • Misleading statement: "Blogs and pinging can get you very good profits in the wrong run." Focus on genuine value and engagement, not quick profits through potentially manipulative tactics.
  • Terminology errors: "Spidering" is not an action search engines take, rather they "crawl" and "index" websites.
  • Spam warning: The aggressive pinging described is indeed considered spam and should be avoided. Emphasize ethical practices.
  • Software alternatives: WordPress is still popular, but there are many other updated blog platforms and pinging tools available.
  • Clarity: Simplify technical terms and provide more concrete examples.


  • Rewrite the introduction to reflect current blogging trends and emphasize genuine engagement.
  • Clarify the purpose of blogging and pinging, focusing on building an audience and providing valuable content.
  • Explain the risks of aggressive tactics and promote ethical SEO practices.
  • Update software recommendations to include modern options.
  • Simplify technical explanations and provide real-world examples for better understanding.

By incorporating these suggestions, you can create a more accurate, informative, and engaging article about blogs and pinging in today's online landscape.

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